Biology students win Global Challenges Program

Biology News
Saturday 29 August 2020

School of Biology students Salma Ali and Radhe Kumar were the winners of this year’s Global Challenges Program with their entry “A plan to nurture and maintain a thriving diverse and inclusive community in the University of St. Andrews”.

Although the University of St. Andrews is one of the most international universities in the UK, like other elite universities, it has a strikingly low number of BAME (Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority) individuals.  Salma and Radhe’s report details strategies, tools and recommendations focussing on three key aspects of university life: talent recruitment, talent retainment and continuous self-improvement. For each aspect, they detail available research and designed and/or created high-impact tools and recommendations to achieve their specified goals.

Areas Goals Tools and recommendations
Talent Recruitment Recruitment and admissions Name-blind applications; candidate experience feedback
Accessibility and inclusivity Minority summer research programme
Minimising bias Evaluating and re-inventing unconscious bias training

Equitable St Andrews and Project Implicit

Holistic assessment Alumni interview initiative
Talent Retainment Creating inclusive opportunities Open research opportunities platform
Promoting inclusive academia Decolonising curriculums

Belong! A day of inclusion and belonging

Satisfying and productive social relationships Mentorship scheme
Self-improvement Promoting inclusive leadership Leaders provide progress updates regularly
Centralisation Saint Idea – online forum for ideas

Inclusivity task force

Ever to Excel - Salma Ali and Radhe Kumar. Talent recruitment, talent retainment, continuous self-improvement

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