Why do birds build nests? – Pop-up science at Edinburgh International Science Festival

Ashley Pearson
Wednesday 11 May 2016

IMG_2731March 30/31 2016

Lauren Guillette, Sophie Edwards and Alexis Breen spent two days at the Edinburgh International Science Festival as part of the pop-up science event.

Their exhibit ‘Why Do Birds Build Nests?’ included two games in which visitors ‘travelled’ around Scotland and the world to match the birds and nests to environments. The display included two hands-on (beak-on?!) activities – first to build a nest that was able to hold a chocolate egg, and second to build a nest (with eggs, and bird!) to take home.

There was also a larger-than-life video of zebra finches building in the laboratory and wild weaver birds building in South Africa.  And last, but not least, there were nests that visitors could touch, made by real experts – the birds themselves!

8659981_origHundreds of people stopped by to visit in the amazing National Museum of Scotland!

Thanks to the BBSRC for funding to deliver this event.
