Towards a brain-wide multimodal investigation of brain function and dysfunction

Saturday 20 January 2024

Speaker: Dr Shuzo Sakata, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Thursday 1st February 2024 1 pm, Venue: School of Physics and Astronomy, Lecture Threatre C

The brain never rests. Global activity state of the brain changes constantly in both healthy and disease conditions. However, our understanding of brain states is still premature. My research group is interested in state-dependent and cell-type-specific information processing in the brain. By combining a wide range of in vivo technology, including opto/chemogenetics, fibre photometry, Neuropixels and computational ethological approaches in mice, my group is addressing the following specific questions: (1) How are sub-second brain waves generated in the pons interact with other neural ensembles across the brain? (2) Do pontine waves play distinct roles in memory consolidation in a sleep stage-dependent fashion? (3) How do astrocytes regulate sleep-wake cycles? And (4) Can manipulation of brain state modify Alzheimer’s disease pathology? In my talk, I will explain and discuss our recent efforts and future directions to address these questions.


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