Search by author: jcp10


Samantha J. Pitt

Dr Samantha Pitt is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine and the Divisional Head of Cellular Medicine. Her research focuses on intracellular calcium dynamics in the heart. In individuals with heart failure and…

Marcus Bischoff

I graduated with a Diploma in Biology from the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany). I carried on in Braunschweig to obtain my PhD with Prof Ralf Schnabel working on cell polarity and cell migration in the C.…

Juan Varela

I did my undergraduate studies in physics in Uruguay and subsequently my PhD in nanomedicine in Ireland with Prof. Kenneth A. Dawson, studying interactions between nanoparticles and different types of cells. As my…

Maarten Zwart

After my undergraduate degree in bioengineering at the University of Wageningen, I moved to the UK for my graduate studies at the University of Cambridge with Daniel St Johnston, Gurdon Institute. I started working on…