CoB C-trap© Facility

Lumicks C-Trap© G2 Dymo System
Combining Optical Tweezers, Laser-scanning Confocal and Microfluidics

A new addition to the CoB’s instrumentation portfolio is expanding capacity for life science researchers working in mechanobiology. The Lumicks C-Trap© uses a powerful laser to generate two independent optical traps to manipulate individual molecules and cells. The single-molecule was purchased thanks to the generous support of the BBSRC ALERT22 scheme and included researchers from St Andrews, Dundee, Glasgow and the James Hutton Institute.

The C-trap uses focused laser beams to capture and apply force (or sense) to molecules including DNA, RNA, proteins complexes, lipid vesicles of any size and phase separated condensates. In addition to manipulating molecules with high force resolution, the C-trap offers the opportunity to mechanically manipulate cellular membranes and organelles. In combination with confocal microscopy, the instrument enables researchers to visualize the impact of mechanical distortion in real time. Potential research areas include molecular machines acting on DNA and RNA during replication, transcription, recombination and repair and to investigate the effect of membrane curvature in membrane proteins including receptors, membrane pore proteins and lipid dynamics.

The C-trap is additionally equipped with a 5 channel, completely automated, laminar flow system that enables to run five parallel chemical conditions without mixing. This is particularly useful when building multiprotein complexes in situ.

Booking and consumables

Interested internal or external users need to be trained in the use of the C-trap and should contact the C-trap Facility Manager Dr Graham Bruce or the CoB Director to arrange the training process and the booking procedure. Currently, the C-trap facility can be used for the years 2025 and 2026 free of charge, however any booking cancellation needs to be communicated with the facility manager at least 24 hours prior to the booking date.

From 2026, the C-trap will charge £250/day for use and the minimum use is one day. External academic/industrial users must obtain a custom quote from the Facility Manager and raise a purchase order. Internal St Andrews users will need to supply a grant code.

Some consumables are provided free of charge (e.g. chemicals for cleaning and flowcell neutralization, and basic buffers). Users must bring their own imaging buffers, coated beads, and oxygen scavengers if required (for details contact the CoB director or Facility Manager)


The C-trap is located at the University of St Andrews in the Biomedical Science Research Complex, Level 0, Room0005. North Haugh Campus, KY16 9ST