Research groups
Dr. Ilary Allodi
School of Psychology and Neuroscience
Neural Circuits of Disease Laboratory
Keywords: ALS-FTD pathophysiology, spatial transcriptomics, multiplexing
Dr. Paolo Annibale
School of Physics and Astronomy
Lab signalling Processes and Receptors
Keywords: GPCR, Fluorescence Microscopy, Super-Resolution Imaging, Scanning Probe Microscopy
Dr. Marcus Bischoff
School of Biology
Keywords: Developmental and cell biology of Drosophila, morphogenesis, in vivo 4D imaging, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell migration, tissue mechanics
Prof. Tom Brown
School of Physics and Astronomy
Optical coherence tomography, photodynamic theraphy, femtosecond lasers
Dr. Graham Bruce
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, optical manipulation, holographic laser beam shaping
Dr John Danial
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: Single-molecule instrumentation and software, structural imaging
Prof. Kishan Dholakia
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: optical trapping, light-sheet microscopy, raman spectroscopy
Prof. Andrea di Falco
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: nanophotonics, metamaterials, non-linear optics, photonic crystals, plasmonics
Dr. David Ferrier
School of Biology
Keywords: organism evolution-development, Hox genes, amphioxus
Prof. Malte Gather
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: organic electronics, cellular biomechanics, living lasers, nanophotonic biosensors
Prof. Frank Gunn-Moore
School of Biology
Keywords: Dementia, biochemistry, neurobiology, drug discovery, biophotonics
Prof. Gareth Miles
School of Psychology and Neurosciences
Keywords: neuroscience, motor control, spinal cord, motor neuron disease
Prof. Carlos Penedo
School of Physics and Astronomy, School of Biology
Laboratory for biophysics and biomolecular dynamics
Keywords: single-molecule biophysics
Dr. Samantha Pitt
School of Medicine
Keywords: cardiovascular research, ion channels, calcium signalling, pharmacology, electrophysiology
Dr. Stephan Pulver
School of Psychology and Neuroscience
Neural control of locomotion in Drosophila
Keywords: Drosophila, motor control, central pattern generators, neuroethology, neuromodulation
Prof. Ifor Samuel
School of Physics and Astronomy
Keywords: photodynamic theraphy, diagnostics and sensing, organic semiconductors, fluorescence, wearable optoelectronics
Dr. Alan Stewart
School of Medicine
Keywords: fatty acids and zinc dynamics, glycoproteins, plasma proteomics
Dr. Javier Tello
School of Medicine
Keywords: hormones, reproduction, fertility, neuroendocrinology, neuropeptides
Dr. Jens Tilsner
School of Biology and James Hutton Institute
Keywprds: plasmodesmata, plant viruses, RNA imaging, cell biology
Prof. Graham Turnbull
School of Physics and Astronomy
Soft materials, chemical sensing, nanophotonics, laser development
Dr. Juan Varela
School of Physics and Astronomy
Neurophotonics at the nanoscale
Keywords: single-molecule in vivo imaging, biophysics, protein aggregates and clearance in neurological disorders
Dr. Maarten Zwart
School of Psychology and Neurosciences
Keywords: generation of movement by the brain, imaging, electrophysiology